Monday, June 24, 2013

What a museum did to attract visitors

Wow, I haven't posted anything in almost 4 years! It doesn't mean my parents have stopped sharing their wisdom with me. In fact, it actually means I now have a 4-year backlog of wisdom that has gone unshared up until now! Here's what my dad sent me tonight:


Flash Mob meets Pageant of the Masters -- WONDERFUL!!!
What a museum did to attract visitors
The Rijksmuseum (National Museum) in Holland had an idea: Let's bring the art to the people and then, hopefully, then will come to see more - at the museum. 
They took one painting of Rembrandt’s from 1642, “Guards of the Night” and brought to life the characters in it, placed them in a busy mall and the rest you can see for yourself!

Prize win from Deal Sharing Aunt

Deal Sharing Aunt Win
This is the prize I received in the mail today from Deal Sharing Aunt. It was part of a "green" blog hop and the prize box consists of:

-- A sewing kit
-- Gardening Gloves
-- Flower Pots
-- A pair of solar lights
-- A hose nozzle
-- Popsicle molds & a sack of 100 popsicle sticks (to be used as plant sticks)
-- A shovel
-- Pruning Shears
-- A green-themed tote bag
-- The book "How To Clean Practically Anything"

My husband had an accident with his hose a few weeks back and the nozzle had completely broken off of it. We spent about a half-hour at Lowe's yesterday, most of which was spent by him agonizing over which nozzle would be the best for him to get. And what do you know -- turns out one was coming to him for free the next day in the mail!

The best prize in the box is the book, since I know how to clean practically nothing.

Thank you, Aunt!